
Posts Tagged ‘dress code’


Two things.

Firstly, the way some women get all doll’d up for long flights. Mate. By the time you get off that 10+ hour flight, your hair is not going to look like it did when you made it all pretty. And even though it’s caked on, your make up will be gone. Sorry. Also. Your mini dress is completely impractical (all the time).  And your platform stiletto heels are stupid.. on a plane.  No one has balance at the best of times with no shoes on a flight. AND ALSO, YOUR PERFUME, has no place on this plane. Lady, we’re in a confined space. Nobody, really, wants to be inhaling your Brittany Spears CircusFantasyNo.5 for hours upon hours. No. Lay off the 10 squirts of perfume. Please. Just… please.

The second thing that I don’t understand is why everyone gets up super quickly as soon someone stands up at the boarding gate… and then stand in line for 45 minutes. WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Dude. No matter what we’re all still going to be leaving at the same time. You racing to the front of the line is pointless. The only difference is that you’ll be sitting, waiting in a plane as opposed to at the gate. Okay so right now I’m sitting in Fiumicino Airport in Rome waiting to board. About 30 minutes ago everyone stood up, and the line has moved about a metre, at most. All the while I’ve been sitting here thinking, and typing this entry… and they’ve all just been standing still. They’re all stressed out and complaining about the time. I don’t understand it – if you get up and you’re the last in line. Sit the fuck down. Wait for everyone else to get on the plane, or at least for the line to become very, very small, and then get up. No difference to the departure time will be made. You’ll still be on the plane at the same time as you would have been if you stood in line for 45 minutes. Chill out man. Stop being so impatient I will slap you! Damn.

Okie I’m done, I put an un-related pretty picture at the beginning in an attempt to lessen the bitterness of this post, it’s of Mt. Vesuvias from Sorrento, Italy. Here’s another one, this one was taken at sunrise in Venice, Italy.


Next travel blog will be all about Italy and its beautiful… everything. Ciao!

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